ESB-ITA19 | Abstracts Submission

Abstracts Submission

Extended abstracts (max 2 pages) have to be written following the MS WordTemplate. For the final submission, each contribution has to be converted into a pdf file (named as “First_Author_ESBITA2019.pdf”).

Each extended abstract in PDF has to be submitted by email to, specifying the presenting author, as well as possible eligibility for ESB–ITA 2019 Awards (Best Oral Presentation, Best Poster Presentation, Best in silico model for industrial translation).

Each accepted contribution will be inserted in the ESB-ITA 2019 programme only if at least the presenting author will register to the Conference. Single registration fee entitles to present at most one poster and one oral presentation.

Accepted contributions will be scheduled by Organizers within the Conference Programme as oral presentations or as poster presentations. 


Administrative coordination supported by Fondazione Alma Mater.

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