Next meeting:
XIV Meeting: Palermo, June 18th - 19th 2025
XII Meeting: Turin, September 18th - 19th 2023
XI Meeting: Massa, October 6th - 7th 2022
X Meeting: Online, September 23rd - 24th 2021
IX Meeting: Bologna, September 30th - October 1st 2019
The abstracts are available here!
Here it is all you want and you need to know on our meeting: ESB-ITA 2019
VIII Meeting: Milan, June 25th 2018
ESB-ITA has co-organized the session Biomechanics and mechanobiology within the 6th Italian National Congress of Bioengineering (25-27 June 2018), organized in Milan. This event, of major national relevance in the bioengineering community, represented the VIII ESB-ITA Annual Meeting.
Here it is all you want and you need to know on meetings: GNB 2018 & ESB-ITA 2018
VII Meeting: Rome, September 28th-29th 2017
The VII ESB-ITA Annual Meeting was held in Rome (28-29 September 2017), organized by Giuseppe Vairo (Università di Roma Tor Vergata). The meeting comprised the II Thematic Symposium ESB-ITA on Ocular Biomechanics and a General Session “Biomechanics in Italy”. The meeting has been a great success, with >80 presentations (oral and poster), 100 delegates and 30% of foreign authors. The abstracts of the thematic symposium have been published on Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology. Moreover, some contributions from the general session have been selected for a full-length paper to be published on Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (ASME).
Here it is all you want and you need to know on our meeting: ESB-ITA 2017
VI Meeting: Naples, June 22nd 2016
Following the positive experience in 2014, the VI ESB-ITA annual meeting has been organized in collaboration with the Italian National Bioengineering Group (GNB2016) and it took place in Naples on June, 22nd. The meeting program comprised two oral and one poster sessions. The abstracts are available here.
Two prizes have been awarded:
• Alberto Gonzalez Garcia (Politecnico di Milano) received the prize for the best oral presentation with the work Experimental/computational approach of the nuclear pore complex mechanics
• Elena Cutrì (Politecnico di Milano) received the prize for the best poster presentation with the work Biomechanical evaluation of skin lesions: a combined approach.
V Meeting: Milan, June 5th 2015
The 5th Meeting of the ESB Italian Chapter was held in Milan on June, 5th 2015 and it has been co-organized with CNR-IMATI.
For the first time, the meeting was a stand-alone event, i.e. not in conjunction with any other congress. The meeting has been a great success: more than 60 registered participants; 14 oral and 22 poster presentations; a Workshop by Materialise and the presentation of “The Living Heart Project” by Abaqus/Simulia Dassault Sistèmes.
Moreover, the best oral presentation and best poster presentation have been awarded, and the first edition of the student award “Premi di Laurea ESB-ITA 2015” for master thesis in biomechanics has been presented.
The abstracts are available here.
Congratulations to:
• Giorgio Mattei (Università di Pisa), for the Best oral presentation award with the work Decoupling the roles of stiffness and hydroxyapatite signalling in the osteo-differentiation of stem cells
• Michele Marino (Leibniz Universität Hannover, DE), for the Best poster presentation award with the work Homogenization methods for the multiscale constitutive description of soft connective tissues
• Silvia Bonardelli e Amanda Inzoli (Politecnico di Milano), for the I Edizione Premio di Laurea ESB-ITA with the Master Thesis In silico analysis of an experimental model of coronary stenting: sensitivity of local fluid dynamics to micro-CT data processing
IV Meeting: Pavia, June 27th 2014
The IV Meeting was held on June, 27th 2014 in Pavia. The meeting was connected to the Italian National Bioengineering Group Congress GNB2014.
The ESB-ITA meeting was a great success registering more than 60 attendees; in fact, this result doubles the maximum number of attendees registered in the previous editions. The meeting was also significant from a scientific point of view: nine interesting presentations, covering the wide range of biomechanics, have been discussed. The selection of the oral presentations, performed by the ExBO, has promoted the participation of young researchers.
The abstracts are available here.
Moreover, an ESB-ITA award sponsored by Simulia Italy (Dassault Systemes) has been given for the best oral presentation. Congratulations to:
• Luigi La Barbera (Politecnico di Milano), for the ESB-ITA award sponsored by Simulia Italy (Dassault Systemes) with the study Preclinical evaluation of posterior spinal fixators: a parametric FEA on international standards.
III Meeting: Pisa, September 25th 2013
The III Meeting was held in Pisa, on September 25 2013. The Meeting was divided in two parts: the General Assembly and a scientific session.
The General Assembly, attended by about twenty persons, was dedicated to the discussion of past activities and the planning of future tasks. In particular, the results of the ‘census’ of Chapter members were presented, which highlighted that the current profile of the Chapter is mostly academic and characterized by a mechanical/biomedical engineering background. Moreover, the Chapter is quite ‘young’, since the mean age is 41 yrs. For further information please refer to second issue of the Chapter newsletter.
The second part of the Meeting, attended by about forty persons, was organized in collaboration with the Italian Society of Clinical Movement Analysis (SIAMOC) and included two keynote lectures: Prof. Kevin Deluzio (Queen’s University, Canada), “Can Biomechanical Analyses influence the treatment of knee osteoarthritis?” and Prof. Gabriele Dubini (Politecnico di Milano), “Numerical simulation of endovascular procedures: state of the art and perspectives”.
II Meeting: Rome, June 29th 2012
The II Meeting of the Italian Chapter took place in Rome on June 29th, 2012. In order to promote the Chapter and to reach other researchers working in Biomechanics, the Meeting was co-organized together with the Congress of the GNB (National Bioengineering Group). In particular, the opening plenary lectures were given in a joint session with the GNB and had more than 200 attendees. Two outstanding scientists were invited for this event: Prof. Aurelio Cappozzo (Università di Roma “Foro Italico”) who gave the speech “De motu animalium: from Borelli to the foundation of the Italian Chapter of the ESB and beyond” and Prof. Oussama Khatib (Stanford University) who presented the lecture “Human and the robot”.
A total of 19 works by authors younger than 36 were then presented to an audience of 50 participants.
The best oral and best poster presentations were selected based on the original assessment by the Peer reviewers, and on the polls of the participants.
Congratulations to:
• Diana Massai (Politecnico di Torino), for the Best oral presentation award with the work Innovative low-cost microgravity bioreactor for hydrogel-based regenerative medicine strategies
• Elena Cutrì (Politecnico di Milano), or the Best poster presentation award with the work Study of drug delivery dynamics in pediatric central venous infusion systems
I Meeting: Bologna, September 12th 2011
After the official creation of the Italian National Chapter in March 2011, the I Meeting of the Chapter took place at Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, on September 12th 2011. After a presentation about the creation process and the aims of the ESB National Chapters, given by Gabriele Dubini, the election of the Executive Board of the Chapter took place.
In the afternoon two scientific sessions took place where ESB members from a number of Italian research institutions provided an overview on the research in biomechanics under way at their centres.
In addition, ESB-ITA guides the scientific organization of Thematic Symposia:
Thematic symposium 2018: Pavia, September 5th-7th 2018
The III Thematic Symposium ESB-ITA 3D Printing and Biomechanics (in collaboration with IDBN – Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network) was held on 5th to 7th September 2018 in Pavia, organized by Ferdinando Auricchio, Michele Conti e Stefania Marconi. The meeting has been an interesting opportunity of exchanging ideas in a multidisciplinary context on a relatively new area with a string clinical impact. The meeting has counted 115 participants, 49 contributions (of which 10 biomodels); 4 tutorials (involving lectures from medical, engineering and pharmacological science, as well as an industrial partner); 4 industrial workshops and 1 workshop organized by Fondazione Bassetti; 7 sponsors. For more info, please visit the conference website
Thematic symposium 2017: Rome, September 28th-29th 2017
Thematic symposium on ocular biomechanics was held by ophthalmologists, biologists, mathematicians and engineers with multidisciplinary discussions. Lectures have treated all aspects of ocular biomechanics covering mechanisms that range from solid mechanics, through fluid mechanics, up to electrochemistry. For more info, please visit the webpage of VII Meeting
Thematic symposium 2016: Palermo, September 8th-9th 2016
In “Frontier Biomechanical Challenges in Cardiovascular Physiopathology” symposium, advances in cardiovascular research was explored as they pertain to the understanding of the function and structure in normal and disorders, including valvulopathy, cardiomyopathy, thoracic pathologies, endoprosthesis and medical devices. For more info, please visit the conference website