ESB-ITA24 | Awards

In agreement with the mission of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), consisting also in the promotion of the research excellence in biomechanics, the ESB Italian Chapter will assign the following awards to young researchers:

ESB-ITA 2024 Best Oral Presentation in “Challenges in dental biomechanics: innovative and advanced approaches” (Day 1)

ESB-ITA 2024 Best Oral Presentation (Day 2)

ESB-ITA 2024 Best Poster Presentation (Day 2)

Eligibility requirements: presenter at most 35 years of age (at the Congress date).

ERC in Italy award

The ERC in Italy association will sponsor 3 participations to a training on ERC proposal writing.

Eligibility requirements: doctoral degree obtained (at the Congress date).

ESB-ITA Master thesis award 2024

Eligibility requirements: Master Thesis has to be discussed in the period 1st July 2023 –  30th June 2024 and in an Italian University.

Candidacy procedure: the candidacy has to be proposed from the Master Thesis Supervisor by sending via email (to the address and before 5 July 2024:
A reference letter containing a brief summary of the Thesis, a presentation of the candidate highlighting his/her specific contribution, and his/her final grade (at most 2 pages). In case of co-authored Master Thesis, please highlight the specific contribution and final grade of each candidate;
The pdf copy of the Master Thesis.

Each Master Thesis Supervisor can propose only one Master Thesis candidacy.

Among all eligible candidatures, the ESB-ITA 2024 Scientific Committee will select at most three Master Theses to be presented during a special session of the Conference and from which the best one will be selected.

Presenters admitted to this special session will be included in the list of the meeting participants without any registration fee requirement.

The award winner(s) will be decided and awarded at the end of the ESB-ITA 2024 conference.

Gold sponsors:

Silver sponsors:

Bronze sponsors:

Award sponsors:

